Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Model for Mel!

Dresses! Dresses! Dresses!

They are just beautiful and this great new fashion going around was created by the one and only bluegreen86! Mels new designs are spreading like wildfire with around ten to fifteen girls wearing them per day. When I found out
about them I just had to get one for myself.

From the left: (Iluvmumble333, Gyrgyr)

From the left: (Likwhoaitsmaria, Red_lolipops)

From the left: (stardust6712, Supercouture)

From the left: (CarmenChu11, Me)

Paulina even visted Mels page on her birthday and quickly snatched one of the designs up!

If your superstar I highly recommend visting her suite to check out her dresses! There are many colors to choose from and they are 19 stardollars to purchase. Which is totally a great deal!!! So go check them out and maybe just buy one!


  1. Thanks for including me in the pictures!
    Mel's designs are so adorable! I want one in real life to wear, haha!
